1. Front Porch Forum Help Center
  2. Accounts
  3. Business, Nonprofit, and Government profiles

How do I request access to an FPF Business or Nonprofit profile?

Gain access to an organization's existing profile on FPF.

If you'd like to have access to a Business or Nonprofit profile, log in to your account and then:

  • Click (or tap) the triple bar symbol (☰) at the top right and select "My Account."
  • On the Account page, scroll down toward the bottom of the page and click / tap “Add Business Profile” or “Add Nonprofit Profile.”
  • Enter the organization’s name.
  • Once you enter the name, a box will appear that says "Your profile may already be on FPF. Please select one option."
  • Click the radio button next to the name of the appropriate organization.
  • Click "Join Profile".

The owner of the organization's profile will be notified. They will have 14 days to approve or reject your request to share the profile.