Add a new profile or create a new account for use in your capacity as a government official.
If you'd like to use your existing account for postings related to your government position, create a new profile on that account. To do so, log in to your account and then:
- Click (or tap) the triple bar symbol (☰) at the top right and select "My Account."
- On the Account page, scroll down and click the green button that says "Request Government Profile."
- Fill in the form and click "Find my neighborhood."
- Under the map of your area, click "Submit."
- Your profile will be reviewed within 48 hours and you'll receive email notification once it is approved.
If you'd like to use a separate email address for postings related to your government position, create a new account using that email address. To do so:
- Go to and click Logout if that's an option.
- Select "Government," fill in your address (or the address of the relevant office), follow the prompts and click "Create your Account."
- Your profile will be reviewed within 48 hours and you'll receive email notification once it is approved.