1. Front Porch Forum Help Center
  2. Accounts
  3. Business, Nonprofit, and Government profiles

How do I change the "owner" of my organization's FPF account?

Changing the owner role from one FPF member to another

To change ownership on an FPF business or nonprofit profile:

If the new owner is already a user on the profile:

  • Click (or tap) the triple bar symbol (☰) at the top right and select "My Account."
  • On the Account page, find your organization's info.
  • Next to the user's email address, under "Access," switch to "owner" and click "save."
If the new owner is not yet a user on the profile, invite the new owner to join:
  • Click (or tap) the triple bar symbol (☰) at the top right and select "My Account."
  • On the Account page, find your organization's info.
  • Under the "Invite a new member" headline, add the new owner's email address in the box that says "Existing FPF member email”. Be sure to use the email address  the member uses on their FPF account.
  • Select "Owner" from the dropdown menu.
  • Click "Invite." This will send an email to the new owner inviting them to join your business/nonprofit profile.
  • The invitation will expire in 14 days.
Note: if you have reached the maximum number of users on your profile plan, please contact us for help.